Nieuws en publicaties

Hier vindt u de laatste nieuwsberichten en publicaties van Medlawconsult en MLC Foundation.

Regulatory developments in biobanking

Evert-Ben van Veen recently published an article on regulatory developments in biobanking in Europe. As biobanking is all about data, some recent developments in the EU data protection regime are discussed as well. The summary (and if you have a subscription, the full...

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GDPR facts and comments: LIBE and research

Upon request by COREON and some European epidemiological researchers Evert-Ben van Veen analysed the report of the committee on civil liberties, justice and home affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament regarding the coming European data Protection Regulation. The...

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New medical devices regulation

On 29th January 2013, gave a short presentation at the seminar on the new medical devices regulation. The seminar was organised by TILEC and Lexxion, and Evert-Ben van Veen’s subject was about the relation between PMS and Data Protection. The presentation can be...

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Big Data in de Zorg

Het Rapport ‘Big Data in de Zorg: geheimhouding en privacy’ heeft op een aantal sites nogal de aandacht getrokken. Nuanceringen zijn echter noodzakelijk. Het is bepaald niet zo dat nu mag wat we veelal niet voor mogelijk hielden. Caveats en nuanceringen zijn opgenomen...

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Het Instrument 2012 en de Code Goed Gebruik

Tijdens Het Instrument 2012 in de RAI in Amsterdam heeft Evert-Ben van Veen een presentatie gehouden over de Code Goed Gebruik. Wie in vogelvlucht over de achtergrond en inhoud van de Code wil lezen kan de presentatie hier als PDF downloaden.

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ELSI, Control of Human Tissue Act, and field norms

In the latest issue of HUB, the official newsletter of BBMRI-NL, Evert-Ben van Veen has contributed an article on ELSI, the Control of Human Tissue Act and field norms. This is set against the background of the 2011 Code of Conduct for the responsible use of human...

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Patient data for health research

The FEDERA commissioned a Report on the possible use of TTP for health research in the Netherlands. EUROCOURSE commissioned a Report on the meaning of Directive 95/46/EC for health research and the ethical foundation of using patient data for cancer registries and...

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Biobanking residual tissues

Evert-Ben van Veen has co-authored an article with Peter H.J. Riegman on consent issues relating to biobanking residual tissue as distinct from biobanking specifically collected human tissue. This article appeared online in the Human Genetics Journal on 4th August...

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Cervical cytology biobanking in Europe

Evert-Ben van Veen co-authored an article on the use of Cervical Cytology Biobanks in Europe together with Marc Arbyn and others. It also examined the ethical and juridical aspects, and was published in the International Journal of Biological Markers (2010; 25:...

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