GDPR and the wishes of patients

Evert-Ben van Veen co-authored an article setting out the opinions of patients on the ‘further use’ of patient data for a learning health care system in the light of the discussion surrounding the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Here is a link to that article...

Regulatory developments in biobanking

Evert-Ben van Veen recently published an article on regulatory developments in biobanking in Europe. As biobanking is all about data, some recent developments in the EU data protection regime are discussed as well. The summary (and if you have a subscription, the full...

GDPR facts and comments: LIBE and research

Upon request by COREON and some European epidemiological researchers Evert-Ben van Veen analysed the report of the committee on civil liberties, justice and home affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament regarding the coming European data Protection Regulation. The...

New medical devices regulation

On 29th January 2013, gave a short presentation at the seminar on the new medical devices regulation. The seminar was organised by TILEC and Lexxion, and Evert-Ben van Veen’s subject was about the relation between PMS and Data Protection. The presentation can be...

Big Data in de Zorg

Het Rapport ‘Big Data in de Zorg: geheimhouding en privacy’ heeft op een aantal sites nogal de aandacht getrokken. Nuanceringen zijn echter noodzakelijk. Het is bepaald niet zo dat nu mag wat we veelal niet voor mogelijk hielden. Caveats en nuanceringen zijn opgenomen...