Paper on Joint controllers in large research consortia has been published

jun 21, 2022

door Nebojsa Savic

We are glad to announce that a paper entitled Joint controllers in large research consortia: a funnel model to distinguish controllers in the sense of the GDPR from other partners in the consortium”, co-authored by Evert-Ben van Veen, Martin Boeckhout, Irene Schlünder, Vasco Dias, and Jan Willem Booiten, has been published. This paper resulted from the discussions held at the Webinar on Joint Controllers in Large Research Consortia, organised by MLC Foundation and Lyagture.  It summarises the case law, the guidelines and literature on joint controllership, and gives a brief account of a webinar.  The paper is currently open for peer review. “Open Research Europe” works with an open review process. Reviewers can comment on published papers, and the authors can comment on those reviews. Those who are interested can sign up for updates.

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