The integration with Lygature announced in July 2022 is largely complete.
The MLCF team looks back with pride on what MLCF has achieved in the short intensive period of its existence: the Code of Conduct for health research, the contribution to various projects, the publications and the blogs.
Evert-Ben van Veen will remain with MLCF for some time to complete the transition of the EU projects and to supervise the follow-up of the study into the rules and procedures regarding the further use of patient data and human tissue. This study was carried out together with Nivel on behalf of Health-RI as part of Health-RI’s ‘obstacle removal process‘. The study has been made public on August 25.
News from MLCF
The Dutch rules for reusing patient data and bodily material for research are more restrictive and unclear than in many other European countries.
Due to more restrictive and unclear rules in the Netherlands for the reuse of patient data for research, opportunities for healthcare research remain unused. While the ‘consent system’ (opt-in system) is generally used in the Netherlands for the reuse of patient data...
Unwarranted requirement of an accredited external monitoring body hampers establishing codes of conduct
Why this blog Article 40.1 of the GDPR states that Codes of Conduct should be encouraged. The first ‘evaluation’ of the GDPR by the European Commission and the recent evaluation of the Dutch GDPR implementing Act underscore the importance of a Code of Conduct not...
Lygature expands legal and ethical expertise in medical research | Integration of MLCF and Lygature
During a symposium on 1 July on the concept of a self-learning healthcare system, the MLC Foundation announced its integration into Lygature. This guarantees the experience, expertise, and current services of MLCF for the future, while Lygature is expanding its...